Thursday, 25 February 2016


One of the worst and scariest things that can happen is a home fire. The fire when it happen can occasionally get out of control, and when they do, the damage is often significant.

There are several things that can trigger a fire in your home. In addition to common cooking or heating fires, a number of other fire causes including malfunction of electrical and heating systems, negligent use of candles, cigarettes and matches, and arson can plague homeowners.

Based on the reports from Nigeria Fire Statistics of 2015, approximately 184 deaths from 397 home fire incidents occurred and properties worth 6 billion naira was lost.

Between those statistics, and the other tragedy of losing your home, and your possessions, it's important that you take fire safety extremely seriously.

So in the interest of ensuring we continuing to reduce fire statistics across the country, here are some tips the average person can practice in order to maintain a household safe from accidental fires.

Install smoke alarms
Installing functional smoke alarms throughout the home can help reduce accidental fires. This helps in detecting smoke/fires at the earliest which prompts for quick fire emergency control measures. The smoke alarms should be installed inside every area both inside and outside. But it isn’t enough to merely install smoke alarms; they need to be maintained as well. To do this, those with smoke alarms in their home should commit to once-a-month checks and replacing the batteries once a year.

The majority of actions that prevent a fire are free, low cost or cost-effective; and ensuring that you have a fully functioning fire alarm system in place can save you hundreds of thousands in the long term.

Inspect cords
Many cords plugged into multiple outlets throughout the home can present a fire hazard and thus should be checked periodically to ensure they are generally in good condition and are not otherwise frayed or damaged. This is because frayed cords can present a risk of shock as well as being a fire hazard. Also, it’s important to never cover cords with carpeting or rugs, as this can restrict air flow and cause damage to the cord.

Look out for faulty outlets and switches
To cut down on the risk of fire of these types, residents in home should perform periodic checks of their home’s outlets and switches. Some warning signs to look for include
1.     Noises coming from the outlet
2.     Plugs that don’t attach firmly to the socket (loose plugs)
3.     Switches or outlets that are warm to the touch
Any of the above can be signs of bad wiring or insecure electrical connections – both of which are a fire hazard.

Check appliances
Household appliances should never be used in contact with heat sources, such as stoves or ovens. Even more subtle scenarios, such the cord of a blender running around a toaster, can present a fire hazard. And, of course, portable heaters should be kept at least three feet away from anything flammable.

Make sure everyone knows where fire extinguishers are located and how to use them.
Include fire extinguisher locations and instructions for use in every part of your home. If a small fire does start, it is much easier to squelch if every occupant is prepared. Locate fire extinguishers in visibly and clearly marked places throughout the home especially the kitchen.

Consider light-bulb wattage
Unfortunately, many people use light bulbs with a wattage rating not properly suited to the fixtures they are plugged into in the home. Needless to say, this can present a fire hazard. The best course of action for those who don’t know how much wattage their fixtures are equipped for is to be on the safe side and use a 60-watt bulb.

Don't leave the kitchen or grill unattended
Grease fires are some of the most common types of fires, so make sure that your kitchen is clean and that you never leave the stove or grill on when you step outside. 

Keep matches and lighters away from kids
Be sure to lock up all sources of flame at all times. 

By adhering to these simple tips and guidelines, we can do our part to reduce the occurrence of home fires and protect ourselves and our families in the process.

For a comprehensive plan to protect your home and properties against the loss/damage by fire accident, get our Fire Insurance policy today! 

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Tuesday, 23 February 2016


Energy conservation is the act of saving energy by reducing a service. In other words, to conserve energy, you need to cut back on your usage. Examples include driving your car fewer miles per week, turning off your air-conditioner during the rainy season and unplugging your computer or home appliances when they are not in use.

"Saving energy is all about making choices and rethinking your lifestyle"

In all of these examples, you are reducing the amount of energy you use by doing without or making due with less fuel or electricity. While energy conservation might cut down on your comfort level and make things a bit less convenient, it can help reduce monthly electricity bills and save money at the gas pump.

Based on current realities, it is expedient to devise means of conserving energy. There is an urgent need to save energy in order to reduce your monthly payout on Power. We may be used to a particular way of life, but there is need for a paradigm shift as the cost of power is increased.

"The best way to save energy is to conserve it"

Habits, as we know, are difficult to change overnight but if they do cost us more in payouts, we may have to watch those habit closely. Replacing those habits should be our priority. Do you know that a change in habit as regards energy conservation can help you save up to N15,000 yearly.

There are some indispensables in the household that require energy for its production. A good example is water. It is absolutely one of the most important household resources. Since energy is needed to make water available, its conservation has to be priority. 

Saving energy is all about making choices and rethinking your lifestyle, so here are some energy conservation tips to help you make the right decisions.

  • Defrost your fridge and freezer regularly. The more ice builds up, the harder they have to work and the more energy they use.
  • Even if they’re supposed to defrost automatically, keep an eye on them to make sure the automatic function is still working.
  • An outdoor clothes line is the most energy-saving way to dry clothes – using an indoor airer is better than a tumble dryer.
  • Check the seals on your fridge and freezer to make sure they’re still airtight – otherwise the appliance has to work harder and use more energy to maintain a steady temperature.
  • Keep curtains and blinds open during the day to let the warmth of the sunshine into your home.
  • Dust your light bulbs. The dust reduces their intensity, which could encourage you to buy higher-wattage bulbs.
  • Switch to new, energy-efficient light bulbs. If you do need to use traditional incandescent bulbs, make sure you buy the lowest wattage possible.
  • Still using a full-size computer? Swap it for a laptop or ultrabook.
  • It’s better to keep your fridge full, as it will use less energy when it’s well stocked.
  • Don’t leave the tap running while you’re cleaning your teeth, shaving or washing (your face or the washing up). A running tap wastes more than six litres of water a minute.
  • Get dripping taps repaired – they probably just need a new washer. A dripping tap can waste more than 5,500 litres of water a year.
  • Don’t leave electrical devices on standby. you could save around N10,000.00/ year doing that.
  • Don’t leave electrical devices on standby. you could save around N5,000.00/year doing that
  • Turn off the lights as you leave a room, unless you’re coming straight back.
  • Don’t leave electrical devices on standby. you could save around N10,000.00/ year doing that.
The few tips noted above can go a long way in freeing scarce resources from your electricity bills to other projects and assignments. Practice them today and you will be glad you did. 

Drop a line and let us know ways you have employed to conserve energy apart from the above. We would love to hear from you.

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